Scott & Tina

Scott and Tina passed phase 1A of Language School and son Jon Nathan has the best pronunciation in the family. They are grateful that work permits and residency visas have been finalized, and for great networking opportunities for future health care work and ministry. Pray for continued energy and perseverance with language learning and for the next steps for their work with their partner hospital including renovation and importing equipment.

Scott & Tina Lawrence 2015

Thomas & Jennifer

As Yuna completes her time with Thomas and Jennifer this month, pray for a new intern who can live at the Gospel Center and work with them for at least six months. The person needs to speak Mandarin proficiently and be willing to work with adults and kids. A short term team from Malaysia is currently helping with various Christmas outreaches. Pray this strengthens the ongoing outreach of the Center.



La Mision Palermo is moving right along with weekly Sunday service. They began a weekly course on “How People Change” and a weekly newsletter with a website in the offing. The English class is growing rapidly and presenting new opportunities for relationship and community building. Pray the people of Buenos Aires will receive the message of grace out of thankfulness for how it changed their lives. Pray for Marcelo Robles and the team as they work toward this end.


Bill & Lauren

Pray for Bill and Lauren Finnell as they struggle along learning Spanish that their children are learning with ease. In a culture that moves more slowly than ours, it is sometimes disconcerting how long it takes to accomplish the basic tasks of living, taking driving exams, home furnishing, and cooking. Pray they will not become discouraged when it takes longer to see results and to entrust their efforts to the Lord’s timing.

Bill & Lauren 12-14


Herb reports that the water supply at Annoor is holding up and they are servicing the well to further address the issue. But now they face a desperate shortage of medication for their patients. Pray the delayed supplies of life saving medications will be released and that new shipments will arrive safely and on time. There are other administrative mountains before them so ask the Lord for relief in these daily frustrations and for peace in the staff’s hearts as they tackle each obstacle.

Brian F.

Brian F. gives praise for a good Campus Outreach Directors meeting in England addressing the important issues of staff development, building in their regions, and expansion. Pray for Brian as he oversees the Khon Kaen program and offers support to the group at Chiang Mei. Pray for the CO groups reaching out to college students throughout the world bringing hope and life through Christ.

Raju & Catherine

Pray for healing of Catherine Abraham’s eye so she won’t need surgery. December is a big outreach month at Kachhwa as they use Christmas to invite many for a Christmas celebration. Pray for Raju as he travels across India with UCPI (United Concern for Prayer for India). He recently visited 11 cities in the US to share with Indian congregations here to involve them in prayer.

Jason & Lisa

Since Jason and Lisa left their ELIC post they have been using this season to evaluate the gifts, strengths, passion, and experiences God has given them. They have identified three potential ministry opportunities. Pray for clarity and peace in discerning what is next and that they will “wait well”. Pray for a place to live in this transition and assignment time, for ongoing support, and for health and recovery for their parents.

Tezar & Tatiana

Pray for Tezar and Tatiana to continue acclimating to their new home and culture, that Tatiana’s pregnancy would continue to go well without complications, and that Tezar’s core church plant team would grow in vision and unity as they pray about starting a new church next year.

Kyle & Claudia

Kyle Zimmerman was grateful for the opportunity to chaperone his son Isaiah’s seventh grade graduation trip.  Pray as the family wrestles with high school choices and preparing him in the best way possible for future studies in the US or Argentina. They ask prayer for a family at La Mision Merlo whose three year old daughter Kiara was diagnosed with cancer and is going through chemo.

Kyle & Claudia 2014