Paul & Violette

While Violette’s back is feeling better, she is not completely healed and asks we continue to pray for complete relief. Pray for God to help her overcome depression through Christ and experience His joy more consistently. Paul expresses praise for the two baptisms of middle aged men from Buddhist backgrounds and families. Pray the Church will reach out more and more to the needy world.

Bob & Janie

Praise for the 23 individuals appointed to serve with GEM for long term ministry in Bulgaria, Germany, UK, and France. Bob and Janie request prayer for these appointees as they raise prayer and financial teams, and desire to get to the field as soon as possible.


Pray for Larry Brown to obtain a permanent residency permit allowing him to continue teaching at African Bible College. He is concerned about son Carey’s academic work while on home leave, so pray he will pass the 4th grade and learn good study habits that will translate to his school work in Malawi.

Robby & Joyce

Robby asks prayer for the development of fruitful relationships with the Syrian Presbytery, for Joyce who is teaching over 90 students at the International school and 13 M*slim girls in her Bible study. Pray for their children: Ben is looking for a job, Joseph seeking to intern at 4th Pres. and Lydia dating a Druze convert and focusing on a college choice.

John M

Pray John M will have wisdom and discernment to hear God’s voice in the two mari-culture projects he desires to undertake in two separate areas of the world. Pray for trust in the Lord and encouragement when roadblocks occur. Pray for Carlene and Rachel who are left at home while John travels, and for the projects to quickly be established so the family can be together.

Cliff & Judy

Cliff asks prayer for Judy’s sister Alice who seems to be losing her battle with pancreatic cancer. She is currently hospitalized; Judy, and Alice’s husband and children are the primary caregivers. Pray for stamina, sensitivity and wisdom. Also pray for Cliff as he helps to prepare training plans and resources for their agency by summer.


Davy was excited to see that a quarter of the staff at the E. Asia conference were nationals and the conference was given in the national language. Praise God for His work in E Asia where atheism is the official dogma, and pray He would strengthen and mature house churches through solid theological training of pastors, sustain them under outside pressure and persecution, and help them to live out the gospel through deeds.


Jake and his teammates are beginning their third month in E Asia and hit culture shock as they began formal language study at the university. Pray they will be able to reach a functional language level for relationship building. Pray for vision as Jake uses his fine art degree to help organize a concert and for other ways to be used in the art world.

Ukraine Dental Team

Mary Quinlan leaves tomorrow for Ukraine with a team of ten, including 3 periodontists and 1 regular dentist, to provide dental care to orphans at Aleksandreia. Pray as they give loving dental care that the light of Jesus will touch the hearts of the children. Pray they will get all their supplies through customs without issue and for safety on the five hour trip from Kiev to Rovno. They return home on the 21st.