John F.

As John F. travels he encounters stories of husbands imprisoned for their faith, families required to leave their countries within 12 hours, individuals seeing visions of Christ, supernatural healings and restless hearts asking piercing questions about the Scriptures. John asks we pray God will pour out His Spirit in glorious, history-changing power to make His glory evident throughout the world.

CO Asia ST Team

Pray for the Campus Outreach team in Asia working with ELIC teaching English classes during the day, then socials and sports with students in the evening. Pray for many new connections, relationships, and opportunities for sharing the gospel before the team returns on June 24.

YL Central Asia

The Young Life teams of Central Asia have been involved in area retreats with 20-25 leaders and volunteers attending each one. Pray these retreats provided a time and opportunity for spiritual growth, training, equipping, and team building. Pray as they implement what they have learned, that young people will be drawn closer in their walk with the Lord.

Greg & Ginger

During Greg and Ginger’s trip to Thailand, they were able to have a follow up appt. for Crosby and found his esophagus has not healed very much; pray they will know how to deal with this long term. Pray also for protection for the house churches and for God to provide a new place for the church to meet. Pray for Jude, that God will root out the anger and stress in his young heart, and give wisdom and grace to Greg and Ginger in their parenting.

Thomas & Jennifer

Pray for Thomas and Jennifer to finalize the lease on a new apt. in their ministry location. Pray that Jennifer’s autoimmune disease, annoying in its affects, will not impede their ministry and they will not take their health for granted. Pray for the children to adjust quickly to a new time change, language, environment and friends.

Norm & Ruth Ann

Praise Ruth Ann met with 150 workers who serve in church-planting ministries across Europe at the Pioneers conference in Malta. Pray for Norm to have wisdom and grace as he juggles many responsibilities within Pioneers. Also pray for safety for daughter Elizabeth going to spend a week in Haiti with her youth group.

Ryan & Glenda

Ryan and Glenda are seeing God move among patients as they spend time with them. Pray for language acquisition and retention, and for a long term teacher for Annoor’s kids. Pray for safety and calm in a region overwhelmed with refugees. Pray for safety, health and strength as they travel to the U.S. this summer and that Glenda will not have any leg pain.

Cambodia ST Team

Pray for the team of six teachers from Second as they work with World Relief staff in Cambodia teaching English, seeing the field work in outlying areas, and building bridges with our national partners before returning June 14. Pray for health, safety, open hearts and clear teaching.


Continue to pray Tim and Huilan’s (“Hwaylon”) visa’s will be renewed and for effective training of the 120 house church pastors and co-workers at the meeting in Hong Kong. Pray the churches they partner with will experience growth, maturity, and protection against attacks. Pray for Tim & Huilan to get rest and refreshment as they enjoy home leave June 8-August 8.

Brian P.

Praise for the work in the Arabian Peninsula among college students. Pray for spiritual fruit from the 5th Muslim-Christian Dialogue this month, for Brian P. as he and teammates follow up on the dialogue with students from many different countries who are either considering, or have come to faith in Jesus Christ and desire to grow.