
Karen Taylor had a special treat when she connected with 2pc partners John and Dawn while in Thailand for a teachers conference. Pray she will be refreshed as a new teaching term begins, and find adjusting to life in Cambodia a delight, with many opportunities to share the love of God with students and new friends.

Rob Futo

Pray for Rob and Tunde Futo as Rob teaches Biblical theology and apologetics to 20-25 pastors in Romania this month, and again next month, in Hungary. Pray for his preparation and balancing his time between the Bible school commitments and Saturday Film club programs geared to non Christian singles, which has evolved into a program of worship and evangelism.

Ruslan & Zhanna

Ruslan and Zhanna report the first snowboarding Young Life Camp in Kazakhstan was a huge success and great fun. It was a perfect opportunity to grow closer to the kids and show God’s love through deeds, words, and friendship. Pray for Ruslan and Zhanna as they follow up with these young people.

Jim & Sally

Praise the Cultural Center in Tyumen, Siberia has received legal address status from the government. Jim and Sally Foote have been seeking this for some time and can now move forward with the various ministries of the Center. Continue to pray for a national pastor for the Church which meets there.

John F.

Pray for John F as he travels and teaches, first in Sumatra, then in his own city speaking on Intimacy with God, preaching at the international fellowship three times this month, and finally leading the area leaders meeting March 24-27. He asks prayer that only his intimacy with God will be what motivates him to open the Word at these events.

Juan & Maria

Pray for Juan and Maria Patt as Maria awaits rescheduling of her gallbladder surgery that was postponed. They have moved all their things to Corozal, but Maria still commutes back to Orange Walk two days a week for her classes, and Stephanie stays with her grandmother during the week to finish out the school year. Pray for Juan, Maria, Stephanie and little Joanna as they adjust to their new home, community and schedules.

Guille & Debbie

Guille Mackenzie asks prayer for the Leaders Retreat in Buenos Aires today, bringing together leaders of three worship services: Taiwanese, Spanish and Chinese. Pray as they work toward the vision of improving their multicultural work, and set joint goals for the coming year. Pray God will help them make good use of their time, planning, and build fellowship to strengthen relationships.

WMC Sunday

Pray the WM Conference has given our congregation a new and exciting vision for World Missions, through prayer and finances. Pray for all those considering, or already committed to go on a short term trip this year. Pray each team will begin to come together with one purpose; to respond according to God’s call.