
Theo Visser, Second’s partner in Rotterdam, is excited over recent ministry developments: 1) their first European conference on intercultural church planting drew people from all over Europe; 2) ICP, a national church planting network, may be coming to Europe and; 3) a gospel singer has felt the Lord leading her to join Theo’s ministry and bring rappers to Christ. Pray these developments will give more impetus to the Rotterdam movement.

Craig & Stacy

Craig & Stacy Pohl 10-12Craig and Stacy Pohl request prayer for God’s wisdom and direction as they sense God’s call to focus more directly on leadership and pastoral training, facilitating new church plants, and strengthening young churches in Chile. Pray for perseverance, wisdom, faith and joy for their whole family in this journey for their ministry in Chile.

Campus Outreach ST Trip

Tony Dentman with Campus Outreach will lead a team of ten minority students to Johannesburg, South Africa, tomorrow. The team will serve alongside a local church and the CO ministry at Kingsway University. The purpose of the trip is to develop leadership, train and expose the students to world missions before they return on July 2.

Ronnie & Jane

Ronnie and Jane Stevens are back in Budapest after several months in the US.  Ronnie will teach in the Czech Republic this month and Turkey next month. Pray for God to open ears and hearts to the message Ronnie shares. Pray for Jane as she returns to lecturing at the Fine Arts Museum in Budapest. Continue to pray for the sale of their house.

Brian & Terri

Brian and Terri’s team just completed a month long Thai Summer Project, aimed at college students. Pray for Thai Christians to grow and develop in their faith. Brian is thankful that Dan and Catherine Burns assisted with the recent staff training. Pray the four new staff members will be able to raise their support.


The Grace to City Convention led and organized by Asian nationals was a great success.  Since then Enoch has had many requests from cities to have Gospel DNA training; pray as he evaluates and schedules these requests.  Pray for protection for the trainers, church networks, Enoch, and his teammates’ marriages, families, health and ministry.


The European Training Center’s mission is to provide spiritual,  leadership, vocation and business training for believers born into other faiths, providing them with the knowledge and skills to transform their lives, culture, community, and country.  Pray for God to bring the right students from North Africa, the Middle East, and Europe who would most benefit from the training.


Second supports two ministries in India, where elections are going on through May 12. Pray that God would put leaders into power that would not adversely affect Christians and other minorities.