Herb & Heather

Herb & Heather ask prayer for the Multiple Drug Resistant TB patients to hear the Gospel and understand God’s love for them, as several did recently asking for a written copy after watching a video on the Good News. Herb and Heather are grateful to have Honor and Lukas home for a short stay and to have Honor helping in nursing this summer.

Tezar & Tatiana

Pray for Tezar and Tatiana Putra who have completed their training and will land in Indonesia July 12 to start pursuing their church planting ministry. Pray for Tatiana’s adjustment to the language and culture as she works alongside Tezar. Pray for them as they settle into life in his native land and that she will soon feel at home there as well.

Ukraine ST Team

Pray for the second Ukraine camp underway in the Carpathian Mountains for older disadvantaged kids and graduates of the orphanages. Pray many will respond to the Gospel messages and love they see demonstrated by John and Marilyn Whittemore, and Sam and Leslie Shaw. Pray for safety for all, health, stamina, and travel mercies within the country and returning home July 17.

Jason & Lisa

Pray for wisdom and grace for Jason and Lisa and their kids as they return to the US today to care for their parents and family members. They anticipate a steep “relearning curve” and ask for prayer as they learn to live in America again, and that they will be wise in making decisions and knowledgeable in buying a reliable minivan for their family’s use.

The Youngs

The Youngs ask prayer as they travel to Nepal with Dan and Stefanie and their kids. Pray for them as they connect with those doing earthquake relief. Pray that none of them have trouble getting out or back into their country, as recently some of their colleagues were banned from returning to their country of service due to new visa restrictions.


Pray for the PRMI Conference on the Spiritual Dynamics of Missions that Brandon and the boys will be attending in N.C. from July 6-10. This is a time for missionaries and World Outreach staff to receive additional training and to encourage their field workers. Pray for Liz and the younger kids who will remain in Memphis.


Jake is grateful for prayer as he walks through some medical issues, finishes the school year well and prepares to return to the US to be married next month. One of the tests indicated he may have occult TB which means he is not displaying symptoms of the illness even though he has been very tired. Pray also for the stomach and back pain he has been experiencing, and if the test is correct, for the proper medical treatment.

The Prices

The Prices are new 2pc missionaries who are in training this month to teach English as a second language when they move to the Middle East next month. Pray for their preparations, for their ESL training, and preparing to live in another culture and leave all that is familiar behind.

Indonesia ST Team

Pray for the team of Jason and Erica Tucker, Jackie Burns and Seth Harkins working with our national partners in Indonesia to run the youth program for staff teenagers at the staff conference for Indonesian church planters. Pray for good health, team unity, and for the teens to have open hearts for the gospel. The team returns July 10th.

Argentina ST Team

Crossroads’ Argentina team lead by Austin Zeiler and Michael Davis leaves today to work with La Mision and Kyle Zimmerman on various relief projects in and around Buenos Aires. Pray God’s mighty hand will be seen in their unity, work, and hearts, as He provides ways to share the gospel. The team returns July 10th.