Stephen & Marion

Stephen and Marion Spencer ask prayer as this is the first year Stephen has been in a support role as nationals (all former ABC students) are at the helm of every key leadership position at the college. Pray for staff unity and a love for the students and people of Malawi; for good health and safety for the family; healing for son Jon Jon with Crohn’s disease; and wisdom and discernment concerning a new opportunity to start a Christian university in South Africa.

Stephen & Marion Spencer 2015


Tim is grateful for the success of the Alliance of Reformed Theological Seminaries (CARTS) meeting. Despite a minor police interruption, nearly 30 seminary representatives from 10 different seminaries came. They have begun to formalize the board of directors and executive committee which will be an indigenous house church initiative. For the next couple of months Tim will be traveling, pray for Huilan as she takes care of the family, and for quality family time.

Scott & Tina

Pray for the Lawrence family as they settle into a new way of life in Ethiopia. The boys are all in the same school for the first time ever and Scott and Tina have begun a 9 month language school. Pray for finalization of their work permits and residency visas; blessings on the relationships with the youth of their neighborhood; and open doors and provisions for expansion into partnership with the hospital.

Scott & Tina Lawrence 2015

Bob & Janie

Bob Till, who oversees GEM missionaries working with refugees throughout Europe, asks prayer for the governments, charities, missions, and NGOs to coordinate efforts to help the million refugees predicted to arrive in Europe. Pray for churches in Europe and America to respond generously and selflessly as opportunities present themselves.

Bob & Janie Till


Continue to lift up Leonardo De Chirico as he deals with the aftermath of two great tragedies; the deaths of the pastor in Ferrara and Kyra Karr whose family was a pillar in his Rome church. Pray God will turn the Ferrara loss into a new window of unexpected opportunity for the Gospel in that city and that God will confirm to Reid Karr His calling to come back to Rome and be comforted by the church. Pray negotiations for the new Church space will be finalized soon.

Leonardo Di Chirico - cropped

Ukraine ST Trip

John Whittemore is in Western Ukraine visiting five orphanages and meeting tradeschool graduates who have been supported by sponsors from Second. John regularly visits these groups establishing relationships with youth in the Rivne area. Pray as he displays the love of Christ to these children and young adults and that hearts will be open to learn of the love of Jesus. Pray for safe travel, stamina, and health for John, and peace for the country of Ukraine. He returns October 20.

Daryl & Marlene

Daryl and Marlene Bussert give thanks for the New Guinea aviation safety audit and for the Aviation Technical Conference held in Waxhaw, NC to determine operational standards and administration of aviation programs. It is through these various programs and outreaches, like Mission at the Airport, that JAARS continues to grow and support Wycliffe efforts to reach those in the most remote areas of the world.

Daryl & Marlene


Pray for Tim Blaylock as he studies Russian, teaches English to Kyrgyz youth, and leads a Bible study through Young Life Kyrgyzstan. Pray that God will give him ability in Russian and that young people will see Christ in him. Pray he will begin to feel at home in this new environment.

Tim blaylock

Rob & Tunde

While planning a new church plant, Rob and Tunde Futo found themselves in the midst of a great humanitarian crisis as thousands of refugees streamed through Hungary. Rob and Tunde were able rally others to join in providing food, shoes and to set up a baby washing station. Pray the love of Christ will be evident to all refugees and Hungarians and that these refugees will find a place to call home.

Rob & Tunde Futo 10-14

Joseph & Mandi

Pray Joseph and Mandi will be able to secure Ezra James’ birth certificate, passport, and visa enabling them to return to their ministry in SE Asia. While here Joseph has been able to meet with their newest teammates and also potential team members. Back in Central/S. Asia, while Joseph is away Joshua is meeting with the men’s leadership group and seeing real transformation in these leaders, pray it will multiply.