
Dave just returned from Greece where Servant Group teams continue to serve among Syrian and Afghan refugees. Much of the work is done in “squats”, abandoned buildings around the city where refugees are allowed to stay while awaiting immigration interviews. Pray for amazing relationships that are developing and for the growing number of families coming to faith.

Tezar & Tatiana

Pray for Tezar and Tatiana, as they lead their church plant through a season when many of their leaders travel out of the country for the holidays. Pray that God would bless their time with those who remain and would give them wisdom in how to organize ministry during the holiday season.

Chris & Debbie

Providing loving care for missionaries abroad take Chris and Debbie Gibson to some hard places. They just returned from Siberia, where not only is the weather cold and blustering but new laws make teaching the Bible and evangelism much more difficult, and a jailable offense even to “tourists” like the Gibsons. Pray for Chris and Debbie to have strength, wisdom, and God’s comforting touch as they reach out to missionaries where ever their hard place may be – location, ministry, or personal.

Chris & Debbie 12-14

The Price’s

Following a quick trip to the states to fulfill visa requirements, the Price’s traveled to Hungary to meet their 3 ½ year old son and 2 ½ year old daughter and complete their adoption. The family will return to the US later this month to obtain the children’s passports and visas. Pray the applications are processed quickly so the whole family can return to the MIddle East early next year.

Joseph & Mandi

Pray for encouragement for Joseph and Mandi as they work through business difficulties with the MEDIC program, and help their friend Mukesh, whose brother died tragically.  Witnessing the local culture as they help Mukesh reiterates the reason Joseph and Mandi and their team are there; for a people destitute spiritually and economically and wandering around like sheep with no shepherd and no hope. Pray for the family, that faith will find root in Mukesh’s heart.

Daryl & Marlene

Daryl & Marlene give thanks for completion of the Missions at the Airport programs and pray for tangible results in the future. They often find that adapting is necessary as a portion of the AIM AIR audit in Nairobi was done recently, with the remainder to be done in the spring. Pray for all the needs to be met and that JAARS can continue to support the planned programs as well as offer assistance to other groups in their relief efforts.

Daryl & Marlene


Leslie is once again visiting the refugee center once a week, primarily to work with the children teaching songs, helping with their German, and showing them places to play.  Pray for the three new women who have joined the Berlin team to settle in well and for the entire team to be of one heart and mind. Pray for Leslie as she strives to create balance in her ministry to determine which she needs to let go of and which to pursue.


Pray for a resolution to Karen Taylor’s hearing and headache issues which are greatly affecting her work and welfare. Pray for a loving relationship with the four young women participating in the Equippers class as she oversees them. She desires to guide them, be their friend and cohort, and lift them up and help develop the group as a witness of His love.

Andy & Brooke

Pray for Andy and Brooke to have steadfastness and self-control in seeking God and walking in the fullness of His Holy Spirit. They are recruiting and mobilizing local teachers to go to other places and ask prayer for God to work in the hearts of those He is calling. Pray for their girls as they develop peer relationships that would spur them on to love and good deeds and for Brooke to find the right mix in home schooling and ministry work.

Norm & Ruth Ann

Fletcher Center has been dedicated, so now Norm is off to West Africa for meetings with their Pioneers Africa base. They rejoice over the 253 new missionary candidates this year. Ruth Ann has just returned from a Leadership Development Program in Europe. They are grateful for a proposed hotel at the Fletcher Center to serve visiting missionaries and hopefully generate income for the Lord’s work. Pray for Norm as he coordinates this project and for stamina and protection.