
Laura reports that teaching is going well, she enjoys the students she is working with, and has a growing sense of being part of the community. Pray she will be diligent in studying Arabic and balancing that with other things. Pray that as her language skills improve she will have confidence in spending more time with the Arabic nurses and patients. Pray for safety and security in her community.

Andras Kazar

Pray for Andras Kazar and the Paulus Movement as he has stepped aside from leadership. He plans to continue to serve in the background, but Paulus will now be under the direction and leadership of elders Kiss, Nagy, and Paul. Pray for continued growth and wisdom as they navigate under a different structure.

Paul & Violette

Paul and Violette Bridgman ask prayer for the leadership team, the individual believers, seekers, and outreach at the Sakuragaoka Church. Pray for God to direct them into whatever new ministries He has for them and for sensitivity to His leading. Pray that Rev. Katayama’s recovery from cancer surgery will be a testimony to God’s grace and power. Continue to pray for Paul and Violette in their health issues.

Mike & Stephanie

As Mike and Stephanie interact with seminary students, pray for opportunities to counsel at a deep level, for Spirit leading and insight from God. Pray for the discipleship module Mike is leading this spring as he teaches two of the five courses around the theme of discipleship. Stephanie serves as a liaison between student families and the seminary staff.

Ruslan & Zhanna

Ruslan & Zhanna ask prayer that the Central Asia Leadership Young Life Retreat provided attendees with real and applicable training transferable to the various cities and countries represented. Pray the training and fellowship will enable these young people to develop character traits pleasing to God.

Daryl & Marlene

Daryl Bussert is very grateful that his deputy director and office manager, Glenn Grubb and his wife were not seriously injured in a recent auto accident, and asks prayer for their complete healing. Daryl just completed teaching at the Supervisor Pilot Course with aviators participating from Papua New Guinea, Africa, Brazil, Indonesia, and the US.  Pray for the plans, goals, and details to come together for aviation audits in Africa, South America, and Indonesia.

Juan & Maria

Pray for Juan Patt as he recovers from gallbladder surgery. He had been troubled with abdominal pain for some time and tests indicated gall stones were part of the problem. Juan reports his surgery was successful in removing many gallstones and he is already feeling much better.  Pray for him and Maria as they minister together in Belize and bring more families into the Prince of Peace Church.

Bob & Janie

Bob Till has been in Greece helping to provide needed resources to some of the 62,000 refugees living in tents in refugee camps. He asks prayer for good communications and timing in working with several ministries seeking to meet needs in the name of Jesus.  Pray that the love of Jesus will shine through these workers so that the refugee families will feel loved and cared for.

Dave & Joyce

Dave B. witnessed God’s provision and intervention in miraculous ways as he spent seven weeks training Bauzi men and women to be literacy teachers to their own people. Pray for Yormi as he practices his assignment and makes progress in the translations of the Psalms Dave has assigned him. They are grateful the gout that kept Joyce on crutches has gone away and she can drive and walk now. She is still working on the national literacy with the Indonesian language.

John & Dawn

John is in the Middle East leading a prayer conference and a training school. He rejoices to see people moving forward with such tenacious faith in that locale. Following important meetings in Thailand, he and Dawn will travel to two neighboring countries to connect with teams in those places. Pray for stamina, spirit infused ministry, and the right words of encouragement for each one along the way.