Kyle & Claudia

Crime continues to plague the Zimmermans as their son Isaiah was robbed again in front of their home, and Pablo, a new believer from their small group, was shot in the leg by people from his old ways. Pray for the small group in Fatima where one of their youth, falsely accused and almost imprisoned, is now free of charges. Pray that he and his girlfriend will continue to attend the small group. Pray for Kyle and Claudia to make a difference in these young people’s lives and that the Gospel they share will greatly impact the neighborhood for peace.

For more info on Kyle & Claudia, see page 72 of the prayer guide.


Laura continues to teach a variety of ages of children, serving the families at Annoor with one other dedicated teacher. While she enjoys serving the children, she is also learning about the community the sanatorium serves and looks forward to studying Arabic and communicating more directly with both Jordanians and Syrians. Pray that God would give her patience and strength in daily teaching and a mind and ear to grasp and speak Arabic.

For more info on Laura, see page 11 of the prayer guide.


After serving part-time for the past five years, Arman now is able to serve full-time as pastor of Almagul Church. Pray the leaders of the church will work well together and be able to implement some of the practices they learned at the recent Nine Marks seminar Almagul Church hosted. Pray also for his father and his mother-in- law that they will trust their lives to Christ rather than to their own abilities to earn God’s favor.

For more info on Arman, see page 19 of the prayer guide.

John & Dawn

John F is in a middle eastern country doing two intense weeks of teaching and asks prayer for God’s strength and words, and to demonstrate His love. Pray for a fresh awakening and renewal of hearts as people catch a glimpse of His glory and abiding love. John and Dawn wonder in joy at the way God has laid on the hearts of the students in that part of the world a desire to make Christ known in Muslim areas. Pray for 1,000 heads of families to join a prayer initiative that John and a friend are developing.

For more info on John & Dawn, see page 28 of the prayer guide.

Juan & Maria

Juan and Maria recently hosted a four-day retreat for 45 pastors and missionaries from Central America. Juan asks prayer for the Presbytery as they plan conferences and bring in expositors to help guide them in revitalizing their churches. They rejoice that they now have electricity in the building where the Harvest Presbyterian Church meets in Calcutta. Pray for the leaders Juan is discipling and training as they are a great support in the ministry at Prince of Peace.

For more info on Juan & Maria, see page 68 of the prayer guide.

Ronnie & Jane

Pray for wisdom for Ronnie as he works out the details of his ministry in Moscow spending time with both the International Christian Fellowship and the Moscow Bible Church which he helped plant in 1992. Pray that Jane will be able to join him soon, and for the upcoming Middle East assignment. Praise that they are currently in good health, but pray for continued awareness of their limitations and needed times of rest.

For more info on Ronnie & Jane, see page 53 of the prayer guide.

Heath & Angela

Praise for God’s protection during the fire at Tenwek Hospital. Amidst the chaos, a baby’s open-heart surgery continued successfully, a newborn was delivered safely, and critically ill patients were moved and returned to ICU without incident. One building containing the kitchen, laundry and offices was destroyed. A nearby hospital is helping supply some of these services. Pray for Heath and Angela as they deal with the effects of the fire in addition to an already heavy workload and for wisdom and resources as they work toward full restoration.

For more info on Heath & Angela, see page 77 of the prayer guide.

Central Asia YL Conference

Ruslan and Zhanna ask prayer for the Central Asia Leadership Conference March 9-12 in Kyrgyzstan. Young Life leaders will come from several countries for a weekend of training and envisioning as they seek to reach the youth of their cities. Dan Burns will be speaking on “Developing a personal and missional foundation of prayer for your ministry” in the mornings, and he and Catherine will be leading marriage enrichment seminars for the married staff in the afternoons. Pray for God to equip Dan and Catherine and Ruslan and Zhanna as they train the next generation of YL leaders.

For more info on Ruslan & Zhanna, see page 22 of the prayer guide.


Pray for a breakthrough in the urgent matter of residency permits for the Annoor staff, and for good health for the local staff. Pray for God to give them clarity and wisdom to face challenges at the organizational level. Praise that there is great unity amongst the staff. The mobile dental clinic had a successful deployment to a remote village where seeds were planted, pray they fall on good soil.

Tim & Huilan

Pray for Tim and Huilan who are experiencing some unexpected changes in their living and working situation caused by government pressures. Pray for wisdom and guidance as they deal with these situations, and that they can stay in their present location and resolve the issue with an extended tourist visa. Pray for the gospel to continue to penetrate hearts in light of these circumstances.

For more info on Tim & Huilan, see page 62 of the prayer guide.