
Pray for Austin Smith and his team in Belo Horizonte as they reconnect with students at UFMG. Pray that Café com Prosa and the English clubs have gotten off to a good start for the new semester. Pray for team unity across UFMG and for their walk with Christ, that they would enjoy communion with Him and not seek self-worth in their work. Pray for Austin to complete the necessary course work for renewal of his visa.

For more info on Austin see page 71 of the prayer guide.

Daryl & Marlene

Daryl and Marlene Bussert are in midst of the pre-field orientation course for families who start their first field assignments upon completion in June. Pray the material will be appropriate, accepted, and effective. Pray for the experienced people in mission aviation operations who participated in the Mission Aviation Forum to meet changing demands and have better stewardship of the God-given resources. Pray for team formation and details to be worked out for the PNG audit in July.

For more info on Daryl &  Marlene see page 27 of the prayer guide.

Tim & Tanya

Tim and Tanya have celebrated their first anniversary. Tim’s Fitness Club outreach is growing with 20 young men coming regularly. Pray for a new location where they can open a long-term fitness club and for a new female coach so they can get the girls to come. Pray that those involved in the fitness club ministry would hear the gospel and be drawn to faith. Pray for Erlan, a young Muslim man who comes to their small groups, that God would draw him to Himself.

For more info on Tim & Tanya see page 20 if the prayer guide.

Dave & Joyce

After spending more than four decades in a remote area of Indonesia developing a written language, teaching the people to read and translating portions of the Bible into their native language, Dave and Joyce are now back in the U.S.  Pray for Dave to get a visa to return in July or August to continue recording the New Testament and for the decision on how to distribute it. Joyce requests prayer for creativity in developing a math series that can be translated into different tribal languages.

For more info on Dave & Joyce see page 25 of the prayer guide.

Steve & Lizzie

Pray for a healthy marriage foundation as Steve and Lizzie Donley raise support and prepare for ministry in Romania among young people. This summer they will go to help eight teams with camps and get to know three couples they will work with when they permanently return in November. Pray for comfort for Lizzie as she continues to grieve the loss of her father.

For more info on Steve & Lizzie see page 38 in the prayer guide.

Scott & Tina

Christ came to bring sight to the spiritually blind and Scott is in Ethiopia bringing sight to the physically blind. Recently a 16-year-old village girl was brought to the clinic totally blind. With expertise, medications, and surgical procedures, her vision was nearly perfect just hours after surgery was performed. The whole team celebrated that day. Pray for continued healing for “S” and for the medicines to control her inflammation. Pray for peace and stability to be established in Ethiopia, and for recruitment of teachers at Bingham Academy where the three Lawrence boys attend.

For more info on Scott & Tina see page 76 of the prayer guide.


Jackie has taken a large leap into the culture of Jakarta by using motorcycle taxis to get around town, cutting down on the time spent in traffic. Pray for her safety in this congested city. Pray for the leaders in Covenant City Church and for the staff to have discernment on how to develop the leaders they have identified. The women’s Bible study has been encouraging as married and single gals establish new relationships among women from different walks of life bonding in Christ. Pray for God to sustain Jackie as there is much going on and for wise use of her time and gifts.

For more info on Jackie see page 26 of the prayer guide.

Ryan & Glenda

Pray for Ryan and Glenda as they prepare to wind up his dental work at Annoor and turn it over to someone else. The needs of their children are a big concern as they are in the teen years and there are no educational options available for them at Annoor. They will return to the states in July as planned and are looking at options for serving Annoor stateside. Pray for the family to have wisdom and peace as they begin to change direction.

For more info on Ryan & Glenda see page 4 of the prayer guide.

Rob & Tunde

Rob Futo taught for two weeks at a Bible School in Germany where he has occasionally taught for the past five years. Pray for God’s word to penetrate those he taught.  Pray for his continuing responsibilities at the Budapest church and for the recent membership class. There seems to be growth in understanding the gospel in the Bible study groups. Pray for spiritual growth in the youth group as well.

For more info on Rob & Tunde see page 44 of the prayer guide.

John M.

John M. gives praise for the ongoing positive relationships with two Malay villages on two islands. Pray for Ezekiel, the national church planter who has malaria and cannot travel to the islands anymore, and for interviewing church planters to take his place. They are grateful to have funds available to build the hatchery and pray for raising some operational funds for the next two years. Pray for favor with various government agencies in granting permission needed for the next phase.

For more info on John see page 33 of the prayer guide.