Thomas & Jennifer

Thomas and Jennifer have begun having Sunday services and ask prayer that people would consistently come each week. Pray for wisdom as they listen and point people to Christ during the trials of life, and for Martin to come to faith and connect well with the church. Pray for Thomas’ health as he is in the U.S. for a short time to meet with a doctor and hoping to find relief from pain he has been enduring that interferes with his ability to lead a normal life.

For more info on Thomas & Jennifer see page 61 of the prayer guide.


Pray for Haley S. who just arrived in the Middle East to begin her study of Arabic, and for the Red Sea team she has joined. Pray that Jesus will bless Jordan and make His kindness, love, and holiness known there. Pray for Godly boldness and protection of the stewards of the Gospel in Jordan and to live within Christ’s greater vision and care.

For more info on Haley see page 14 of the prayer guide.

Bob & Janie

For many years Greece has been a part of Bob Till’s life and ministry. His most recent time there was spent with workers at refugee centers in Athens. He spent time on the Island of Lesbos with GEM co-workers where 7,000 people live in a camp built to accommodate 2,000. Rejoice that Amir finally has been granted legal status in Germany, pray for his “Church on the Road” team in Munich, meeting and discipling over 50 new believers. Pray for 10 new fellowships to develop.

For more info on Bob & Janie see page 54 of the prayer guide.

David & Lisa

David and Lisa returned to the US for speaking engagements and for re-certification in CPR-trainer and Neonatal Resuscitation necessary for their business status in E Asia. Pray for Bella’s care and health as they travel and for more Tibetans who want to study the word. Pray for Bella’s salvation and for spiritual growth for her tutor Christine, who is a new believer.

For more info on David & Lisa see page 63 of the prayer guide.

Michael & Caroline

Michael and his colleague F have a deepening friendship, pray it moves in the right direction. He is learning all his students’ names so he can lift each up to the Father individually. Pray for the family’s friendship with Love and her family and wisdom on how to share the good news with them. Pray for schooling options as Jude will begin kindergarten in the fall and for Michael and Caroline in language proficiency.

For more info on Michael & Caroline see page 13 of the prayer guide.


Leslie had the privilege of attending the Transforum Conference sponsored by Christians and churches in Berlin with the theme of overcoming evil with good. Pray there will be a greater capacity for transformation in Berlin for God’s glory. Pray for Leslie as she helps in the transition of the new missionary couple in Cologne, especially regarding a school for their son, and a male friend with whom J can practice his German.

For more info on Leslie see page 48 of the prayer guide.

Ronnie & Jane

Ronnie preached at the Int’l Christian Fellowship in Moscow on Easter and will preach at one in Baku the next two Sundays, and possibly more until they get a pastor. He and Jane must leave the country every three months to renew their visas, pray they can find a better visa arrangement. Both he and Jane are teaching and mentoring groups when in Moscow, pray for the enrichment of lives from what these individuals are learning.

For more info on Ronnie & Jane see page 53 of the prayer guide.

Clark & Khrystya

Clarke and Khrystya Norton are finding life in Ukraine quite different as they returned with little Emma to continue their work with teenagers in Lviv. Pray for their marriage and for them, now as parents, learning to live in such a way as to witness their faith. Pray Emma’s heart situation will correct itself as she grows. Pray the new members’ class that began while they were with us, will enable the church to grow and serve the people of Lviv.

For more info on Clark & Khrystya see page 51 of the prayer guide.


Pray for wisdom for Enoch as he trains and visits churches dealing with serious government restrictions and encourages them as they face persecution. Pray for his family while he is away, for health and safety for him and them, especially his wife overcoming cancer.

For more info on Enoch see page 65 of the prayer guide.


As we rejoice in the news Easter brings, let us pray for our missionaries around the world to have opportunities to share the Good News with those around them so that light comes into those areas of darkness. Pray for divinely opened hearts to hear of the resurrection and respond in faith.