Brian & Terri

Brian F asks prayer for the CO Thailand Men’s Leadership team as they seek to build SLIM2 movements throughout Thailand and SE Asia. Pray the Lord will raise up new teams to go to these new campuses and cities. Pray this school year would be the most fruitful and for encouragement for all the staff who live sacrificially to see God glorified on campus.

For more info on Brian & Terri see page 29 of the prayer guide.

Jonathan & Amy

Pray for Jonathan and Amy as she continues to recover from recurring infections and cares for baby Benjamin who is healthy and a delight to them. While here they are in contact with their church in Italy and Jonathan is continuing to take seminary courses and classes on preaching. Pray for healing, wisdom, and clear leading for them and her doctors, and for their teammates Tommy and Sara carrying on in their absence.

For more info on Jonathan & Amy see page 52 of the prayer guide.

Steve & Marion

Pray for Steve and Marion Spencer as they depart for Johannesburg to begin Genesis University, after spending 30 years at ABC in Malawi and leaving much of their family there to continue the work they began. Pray for the logistics of their move; where they will live, educational options for the three children still at home, and starting a new Christian university from scratch. Pray they will pack their bags with faith, trust, wisdom and complete dependence on the One who has called them to this new work.

For more info on Steve & Marion see page 80 of the prayer guide.

David & Lisa

After a brief visit to the US, David and Lisa are back in E. Asia and face new issues in their work as the political climate is very tense with frequent unexpected visits from the police. Pray for favor with the government and police, for wisdom in Bella’s care as they apply for a visa for her and her mother, and for wisdom and perseverance as they minister in a very tense environment.

For more info on David & Lisa see page 63 of the prayer guide.

Chris & Debbie

Chris and Debbie ask we pray for them to stay close to the Lord, focused on His word and hear His voice of wise counsel as they assist missionary families struggling with marriages, children, emotions, ministry, and spiritual issues. They ask prayer for good face to face time with units in need, and for another group facing the risk of being asked to leave their place of service. Pray for them as they walk by faith through these many unknowns.

For more info on Chris & Debbie see page 45 of the prayer guide.

Dave & Joyce

Praise for Dave’s successful time in Indonesia. Although they were able to complete the Bauzi New Testament audio recording, pray for the logistics of getting equipment there to so they can hear it. With national helpers Dave was able to check and recheck portions of the OT and is continuing to work from the US with his helper Rudi on additional translations. Pray for clarity and accuracy in translating and for Dave’s hip replacement to eliminate the pain and difficulty he experienced while in Papua.

For more info on Dave & Joyce see page 25 of the prayer guide.

Ronnie & Jane

Although Ronnie and Jane finally received their permanent registration, they have just completed their visa renewal and he is back on location while Jane is spending time with family here. After completing his European teaching commitment, he will head back to Memphis for an extended time. Pray his recently completed daily devotional book, “The Path to Discipleship: A Year in John 1-11” gets published and released in the US.

For more info on Ronnie & Jane see page 53 of the prayer guide.

ST Trips

Don Riley and a team of 2pc men are in Cuba working with East West ministry doing door to door evangelism. They will get to know dozens of Spanish speaking families. Pray for open hearts, language translation, and many conversions. Pray for health, safety and travel as the team returns Dec. 8th.

Faith Blanchard will be in Uganda Dec. 9 – 27th to plan for a year-long stay beginning next May. Faith will work at a health clinic and partner with a local church helping with their youth programs. Pray for God to give her wisdom and discernment regarding long term service next year.

Rob & Tunde

Rob Futo’s new church has outgrown its current meeting space. Pray that their proposal to expand the current rental facilities would be accepted (in lieu of rent), so that they can continue to accomodate their growing congregation. Pray for leaders to be developed and for other leaders to continue to grow. Tunde is eager to use what she is learning in her Masters Degree in Counseling to serve the community. Pray for both wisdom and patience as she develops her gifts.

For more info on Rob & Tunde see page 44 of the prayer guide.

Greg & Sally

After being kickoff speaker for a conference of 1,000 in Houston, Greg L is in Iraq laying the groundwork for a long-term church planting team there. Pray for contacts, wisdom, discernment, and safety as he explores and recruits among those open to the gospel. Later this month he will participate in two seminars in Louisville for those 18-25 years old. Pray for strength, stamina and travel.

For more info on Greg & Sally, see page 32 of the prayer guide.