
Haley was grateful for the opportunity to attend a two-week conference on the method of language learning that she is using. It was challenging and spiritually refreshing to come together with fellow workers from around the world to explore how God manifests himself through language learners. Pray for the two women she’s reading the Word with, that the Holy Spirit will open the eyes of their hearts and those of their families. Pray she will guard her time with Jesus with Holy stubbornness.

For more info on Haley see page 71 of the prayer guide.

Daryl & Marlene

Daryl and Marlene Bussert ask prayer that God will continue to give wisdom, guidance and meet their need to respond appropriately to the events of life and ministry. The year started with many unanticipated challenges, pray they will keep close to God seeking what He wants for and from them. Pray as they prepare for upcoming JAARS aviation classes and seminars.

For more info on Daryl & Marlene see page 53 of the prayer guide.

Brian & Terri

Brian reports his team did a great job putting on the football tournament and banquet. They were able to share about CO, recruit for the summer camp and Bible studies, and Brian shared his testimony. Participation in a fun run at MJU resulted in an invitation from the dean of Tourism to recruit and evangelize faculty and students. Pray some of the Tourism freshmen will commit to summer camp and for 35 MJU students. Pray for strength and encouragement for the CO Thailand staff.

For more info on Brian & Terri see page 83 of the prayer guide.

Tim & Huilan

Pray for Tim to have wisdom in how to move forward in his seminary work in East Asia. Pray the online efforts which just began will run smoothly, particularly in remote areas, and that they can continue to train pastors while trying to work out long term arrangements. Pray for their national brothers who are imprisoned, and safety for all. Pray for his health and for the schooling of his and Huilan’s children, as well as their salvation and direction.

For more info on Tim & Huilan see page 26 of the prayer guide.


Pray for boldness as Nicole begins the process of meeting with individuals to join her support team. Pray she remembers to put her relationship with the Lord first during this season as it is easy to get distracted with all the things that need to get done to leave for the field . She asks prayer for her friend in Cuba who has been repeatedly threatened and harassed for helping repair churches damaged in a 2018 hurricane.

For more info on Nicole see page 35 of the prayer guide.

Dave & Robin

Pray for peace and comfort for Dave and Robin and their family as they grieve the unexpected death of Dave’s mother. Pray for the new director of SGI and for Dave as he transitions to assistant director. He and Robin continue to recruit teams for Iraq and Greece and are looking for three one-week teams to do enrichment workshops for refugees in the Thessalonica area and to serve with the restaurant outreach in Lesbos.

For more info on Dave & Robin see page 70 of the prayer guide.

Ukraine ST trip

John and Marilyn Whittemore leave for Ukraine to visit students at five orphanages and a sanatorium. They will follow up with students from the recent winter camp, where four students professed faith in Jesus. Pray for effective ministry, finding a new translator, reliable transportation to the orphanages, and good interaction with the kids. They return May 1st.

Ruslan & Zhanna

Give praise for the YL Central Asia winter leadership conference held in Kyrgyzstan and for the training of 200 leaders from different regions. Over the eighteen years this event has been held a whole generation of leaders has changed but the focus on God’s glory has not. Pray for these leaders to be able to continue to draw young people into God’s venue. Pray for Ruslan and Zhanna as they lead this Kingdom work.

For more info on Ruslan & Zhanna see page 22 of the prayer guide.

Kyle & Claudia

Pray that Kyle and Claudia’s kids will adjust quickly to school following two months in the States. Pray for Kyle and Claudia as these next few weeks will be key in developing staff and programs and coordinating the ministry in the shanty town with the community center and the work in the youth development center. Pray for prioritizing their time and schedules as the whole family moves ahead in their school and ministry endeavors.

For more info on Kyle & Claudia see page 51 of the prayer guide.

Randy & Martha

Randy and Martha are preparing for a candidate school this month. Pray for the hearts of the 5 couples attending who are getting ready to leave for the field and for Randy and Martha to develop a good training plan for each of them. Also pray for Randy as he prepares for a Kairos missions training seminar later in the month. Pray they can find a bigger house to accommodate their family needs and also be able to house 1-2 Muslim students.

For more info on Randy & Martha see page 84 of the prayer guide.