
Theo Visser has handed over leadership of the church to focus on the development of the LEEF network of church planting in Rotterdam. At a recent baptism of 9 people, 8 of them had a non-Christian background with amazing testimonies. He sent out a couple of people and a church planter to start a new church in an unreached part of Rotterdam, the leader had come from Sri Lanka 9 years ago. Over the course of time they are seeing more and more disciples who make disciples, pray this continues.

For more info on Theo see page 7 of the prayer guide.

Ruslan & Zhanna

Ruslan and Zhanna continue to expand YL Central Asia through contacts, clubs, and camps. Zhanna is helping a team organize a new camp in Tajikistan for kids with special needs, and Ruslan is helping launch a new club and camp in Balkhash, Kazakhstan. These projects represent both vision-casting and development of local leaders, as well as training and equipping volunteers to follow up and develop these ministries. Pray for them as they help their teams run more than a dozen outreach camps this summer.

For more info on Ruslan & Zhanna see page 22 of the prayer guide.

Tim Byrd – CO

Tim Byrd has five full-time staff members, one of whom is Njekwa who serves at the University of Zambia. Pray the Lord will grow Njekwa in his understanding of life-on-life discipleship and evangelism, and pray for the men he meets with weekly for Bible study and discipleship. Tim asks prayer for wisdom for their church leaders as they set up a system that includes growing a team of locals and international staff. Pray for the CO team of 19 serving with Tim on campus until June 26.

Kyle & Claudia

Kyle Zimmerman has begun a youth development program in the Merlo community of Buenos Aires. His overall desire is to create a space where adolescents can come and learn from different mentors in different areas of work and life. Kyle is teaching basic carpentry with a focus on using the tools correctly/safely. Pray for God’s provision of a permanent set of tools and for opportunity to share the Gospel with youth who are open to hearing about Christ’s love for them.

For more info on Kyle & Claudia see page 51 of the prayer guide.

Brian & Terri

Brian F gives praise for the meeting with the MJU President and asks prayer for his team to be good stewards of these important relationships as they work to build laborers at MJU for the lost world. Pray for CMU students who are at summer camp this month and that God would draw many Thai students to Himself from among both schools at camps, through sports, and on campus activities.

For more info on Brian & Terri see page 83 of the prayer guide.

Chris & Debbie

As counselors to missionaries serving in difficult places, Chris and Debbie must sometimes walk with couples and families through very difficult trials. Pray for two families struggling with issues that are not easy to solve as they ask God to intervene and reveal His wisdom and answers so they can move forward and have effective ministries. Chris reports that the time spent with four families in the Middle East and Africa was a time of encouragement. Pray for God’s hand as they share His love with many in these countries.

For more info on Chris & Debbie see page 61 of the prayer guide.

Ronnie & Jane

Ronnie and Jane are delighted they were able to attend their daughter Ruth’s graduation from seminary in Dallas. Now he is heading to Azerbaijan for ministry before returning to Moscow. He asks prayer for his daughter in law’s mother who is battling cancer.

For more info on Ronnie & Jane see page 58 of the prayer guide.

Tim & Huilan

To see a picture of Tim standing before a wall of books in the WCCTS seminary along with the two co-founders, one of whom is being detained and the other under 24/7 surveillance and all the seminary books confiscated, helps to better understand the challenges faced in training pastors in E. Asia. Thankfully the online training is running smoothly. Tim will be engaged in full-time ministry directed at the original locale as well as trying to develop new ministries in other E. Asia locations.

For more info on Tim and Huilan see page 26 of the prayer guide.


Praise that Aileen received a three-year visa allowing her entry to the US where she will be sharing about Annoor until early fall. She asks prayer for a doctor, preferably with a family, for long term service at Annoor and for nurses to serve long term. Continue to pray for the future of the Ras an Naqab clinic as they seek to find those whom God is calling to serve there. Several of the current patients have very difficult social circumstances, pray for relief and restoration for them and their families.

For more info on Aileen see page 11 of the prayer guide.

Steve & Lizzie

Steve and Lizzie are grateful for the calm between two storms, transitioning to life in Romania and summer ministry there. Since their vision is to mentor youth ministry leaders, they are grateful for the opportunity to participate in the team’s training conference and “EXIT Tour” directed to reach unchurched students through in-school lectures, concerts, and after school meetings. Pray for Steve and Lizzie to feel more equipped following these events, and for the scheduled summer events.

For more info on Steve & Lizzie see page 6 of the prayer guide.