
Nicole reports that as social distancing regulations where she lives have increased, people are craving community more and more, enabling her to welcome new members into the shepherding group. She has witnessed growth in relationships with girls in her group as one of the girls asked if they could start a weekly Bible study and invite friends. Pray this openness continues. She and her roommate made masks for the security guards in their housing complex and wrote Indonesian Bible verses on each. Pray this will open doors to conversations about the Gospel with these men.

For more info on Nicole see page 59 of the prayer guide.

Daryl & Marlene

Daryl is thankful that during the restrictions they are getting a lot of organization, computer changes and updates done that have long been needing attention, both personally and with the ministry. Pray for the leadership at JAARS dealing with all the requirements and recommendations coming from so many directions. They have traditionally had a high percentage of retired volunteers serving a demographic that needs to be taken into consideration. Pray for God’s timing to resume the introductory process of Chris Lifto.

For more info on Daryl & Marlene see page 58 of the prayer guide.

Kyle & Claudia

LaMision has fed many families and Kyle had the privilege to deliver to homes they never had access to before and was impacted by the most intense poverty he has seen in years. Pray as they work bringing food and hope to those most needy. In preparation for his carpentry classes, Kyle chose 5 faithful men currently out of work that he can disciple and train to become apprentice carpenters. Once the shutdown is lifted, they will begin a 3-month intense training class to prepare them to help him in classes. Pray for Kyle as he is excited to teach and disciple these men.

For more info on Kyle & Claudia see page 76 of the prayer guide.


Waiting is difficult for most people. Pray for Allison to wait well, with expectation and joy, knowing that God’s timing is always right regarding her move to S. Africa. Pray for wisdom and discernment regarding when to apply for her visa and that it would be favorably received. As she waits, pray God would continue working to change the hearts of college students in Memphis through the virtual summer project as well as in South Africa.

For more info on Allison see page 86 of the prayer guide.

Jonathan & Sharon

Jonathan and Sharon have been very involved in pandemic relief work. He was asked by the World Health Organization India director to prepare a motivational letter to 300 overwhelmed WHO field staff. He also has been assisting DAI in partnering with several organizations distributing food, with one group feeding 3,000 in the slums of Mumbai. Sharon’s Khushu project has been making masks, as well as organizing ongoing food distributions. Because Jonathan travels so much they have cherished the opportunity for more family time. Pray for their work, locally and countrywide.

For more info on Jonathan & Sharon see page 48 of the prayer guide.


In this unprecedented time Jackie prays for the light of the King to shine brightly in the face of overwhelming darkness. The new women’s study she is leading focuses on perseverance in times of trials and suffering. The Indonesian language community group is thriving despite its online format and they are getting to know each other more deeply. The daily prayer call continues to draw 15-20 who are interceding for the city and the world. Pray all these efforts will bring light into the darkness.

For more info on Jackie see page 57 of the prayer guide.

Greg & Elizabeth

In an order to be a loving witness to their Syrian neighbors, Greg and Elizabeth and their team have chosen to fast and pray during Ramadan. Pray the Spirit will move powerfully through these sacrificial gifts and open doors for future relationship building. They are grateful Elizabeth’s parents and her best friend were able to visit them and meet Hermione before the pandemic shut things down.

For more info on Greg & Elizabeth see page 42 of the prayer guide.

Chris & Debbie

Chris and Debbie are feeling the challenge of not seeing people in person even as they counsel and mentor missionaries virtually. Pray for renewed and refreshed insight that will make a difference in their ministry to others. They desire their walk with the Lord to be alive and growing out of which they can share and minister. As they look forward to their youngest daughter Bekah’s marriage later this month, pray for wisdom regarding if they should reschedule so more family and friends can participate.

For more info on Chris & Debbie see page 12 of the prayer guide.

Valery & Janna

Pray for Valery and Janna’s son Kirill who has been undergoing chemo treatment for lymphoma. Pray for wisdom for the doctors, for remission of the cancer, and that Kirill and his family will be able to return to their home and his ministry work. Pray also for the ongoing ministry of Wycliffe Russia as Valery and Janna continue to give guidance to this growing mission endeavor.

For more info on Valery & Janna see page 17 of the prayer guide.

John & Dawn

John and Dawn ask prayer for God to comfort her Dad as they grieve Dawn’s mother’s death. Pray for John and Dawn as they continue time in the US before switching from overseeing the SAMSEA region to take on teams in MSEA. They share the story of “Deep” from the sheep-herding people in the Himalayas who through one of their team members put his faith in Christ and began to study the Psalms. This led him to write the first ever song of worship in their language. Pray for many more songs from many more souls for the Kingdom in this remote area.

For more info on John & Dawn see page 60 of the prayer guide.