Bob & Janie

Praise the Lord a team of GEM missionaries was able to get to Lesbos, Greece to minister to refugees displaced by the devastating fire at the camp. Bob and Janie report the team saw 10 baptisms, worked with Amir, and Tanner the GEM person living on the island, in setting up an area outside where people can meet during COVID, and reproducing small groups and churches. Pray for the on-going ministry to the refugees. Pray for conditions to improve, particularly before winter weather sets in and COVID is still an issue, and for these new believers to grow in their faith.

For more info on Bob & Janie see page 19 of the prayer guide.

Scott & Tina

Due to the evolving health needs of aging parents back home and James’ college situation, Scott and Tina have decided to transition back to the U.S. this month. Upon their return James will move in with them as he will spend the remaining academic year working remotely on his college studies. Pray for the right doctors to take over Scott’s work, for the boys leaving their friends and school, and for all the logistics of moving back to the U.S.

For more info on Scott & Tina see page 82 of the prayer guide.

Thomas & Jennifer

Thomas reports that fall is always busy for them with their annual mid-Autumn Festival BBQ outreach and annual OMF Field Conference. This year there was a record-breaking number of attendees at the conference. He and Jennifer are also busy with Bible studies and small groups. Pray for their Thanksgiving outreach, Jennifer’s class on interpersonal skills, Thomas preaching and continuing to meet with Mr. Hwang for baptism preparation, as well as planning for many Christmas activities.

For more info on Thomas & Jennifer see page 28 of the prayer guide.


Many of us have dealt with frustration and disappointment this year but imagine doing so in a foreign country in a language you are still working to learn. Amidst all this, Josh gives thanks for the support and friendship of his Bible study, coworkers and students, and his church. Continue to pray for his language acquisition, for his men’s fellowship to grow in the knowledge of Jesus, his community group to persevere and connect despite meeting through Zoom, and for his students to come to know Jesus.

For more info on Josh see page 55 of the prayer guide.

Lenden & Gemma

Lenden and Gemma ask prayer as their country and the neighboring country entered in to conflict along the border. Martial law was declared, a curfew was ordered, the internet has been restricted, and communication severely limited. Their city is far from the fighting, and they, along with Dean and Kyria, are safe and monitoring the situation closely. Pray for a quick end to the hostilities and that a lasting peace could be established. Pray God would be glorified, and the church built up even in this difficult situation.

For more info on Lenden & Gemma see page 50 of the prayer guide.

Nick and Amanda

Nick and Amanda are thankful that Chris and Debbie with WO Member Care came out to spend a week with their team to process all the feelings and emotions from the blast in Beirut. Living in Lebanon looks much different than it ever has, with Covid, the aftermath of the explosion, continued protests, ongoing political unrest, and economic collapse. Pray for wisdom as they continue to navigate the changing climate. Pray for their kids who are all doing school virtually, and for wisdom as they continue to search for a new normal.

For more info on Nick & Amanda see page 45 of the prayer guide.

David & Aliece

Praise David, Aliece and the kids are back in their county of service. David shares that every step they took required additional resources, energy, trips, documentations, etc., but the Lord was merciful, full of grace and wisdom. Had the Lord shown Aliece and him beforehand what would be required of them, David says he would have come up with many good reasons to remain in the States. However, the Lord carried them step-by-step through each hurtle. Pray as they finish up their quarantine in a hotel. Pray for quick adjustment for the kids, and for David and Aliece as they dive back into their ministry.

For more info on David & Aliece see page 26 of the prayer guide.

Chris & Debbie

Chris and Debbie give praise for the time spent with the Beirut team in worship and prayer and for a successful move of their home base to the Memphis area. They ask prayer for wisdom as to when to return to Budapest. They are still communicating with many via zoom, skype, etc., but are anxious to connect face to face with many field workers who have remained in countries of service, yet at this time Hungary and other countries are still restricting travel.

For more info on Chris & Debbie see page 12 of the prayer guide.


After leaving the U.S. in mid-October and spending two weeks in Kenya, Allison leaves today for Johannesburg, S. Africa to join the CO Serve team there. Pray for her adjustment to a new country and culture, a new ministry and new living situation. Pray for Godly wisdom and patience as she learns and for God to prepare the hearts of those he will put in her path for ministry.

For more info on Allison see page 86 of the prayer guide.

Tezar & Tatiana

Tezar is leading Covenant City Church through the issues of the pandemic as Jakarta returned to lockdown in October. Tezar and Tatiana share home schooling responsibilities, while Tatiana is engaged in counseling and Tezar focuses on his preaching and pastoral duties. Pray for wisdom in leading the CCC staff to minister to people while meeting remotely, and for wisdom in continuing to expand the church. The Bahasa language community groups are growing, and there is significant potential for growth and outreach.

For more info on Tezar & Tatiana see page 69 of the prayer guide.