
Pray for continued healing for Aileen, that God would give her the strength and health she needs to complete the work He has for her. Pray for continued favor with authorities, that the Lord would provide workers for the sanatorium, send His Spirit to move in their hearts, and build families of faith. Pray the Lord would provide encouragement and the gift of evangelism to the staff. Pray that Jesus would enable Aileen to finish strong and raise up leaders to follow her.

To learn more click here.

Juan & Maria

Juan, Maria, and daughters Stephanie and Joanna are doing well. Pray for the girl’s schooling online, and Maria as she teaches from home. Pray for the church as they continue to meet via Zoom. Pray for stamina, strength, wisdom and helpers for Juan as he pastors two churches and serves at the Presbytery. Pray for the new government of Belize, that the Lord would grant them wisdom as they lead through the pandemic and economic consequences.

To learn more click here.

Faith & Seme

Pray for good health and a safe delivery as Faith prepares for baby’s arrival in May and will travel 2 hours away for delivery. Their church is starting an organization call Truth Works International, to intervene holistically in their community, impacting the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life. Pray the Lord would give Faith and Seme wisdom and establish the work of their hands. Pray for their personal relationship with the Lord, that they would establish family worship, read the Word of God, pray together, and worship in their home as well as at church.

To learn more click here.

Robby & Joyce

Robby and Joyce ask prayer for the purchase of property to start a second Philemon GROW Center. Pray for the staff as Lebanon is in complete lockdown meaning many are without income, pray for the Lord’s provision. Pray for spiritual and emotional growth for the staff and their clients. Pray for the government to serve their people and that the Lord will enable his church to persevere through the many challenges. Pray for the Lord to pour out his Spirit in great power and bring revival to Beirut and all of Lebanon.

To learn more click here.


George pastors Glyfada Evangelical Church which is located close to the largest refugee camp in Europe. They have developed many strategies for serving this group of refugees. They also serve refugees in Voula, providing housing and helping them become self-sufficient, and in Mati, an area devastated by fire. Pray for the Lord to guide their church to a location that they can purchase. Ask the Lord to continue to bring salvation to Athens, and all of Greece.

To learn more click here.

Daryl & Marlene

Daryl and Marlene Bussert ask prayer for their aviation training and technical evaluation programs, specifically their Supervisor Pilot Course, Technical Evaluations and Maintenance Training. Pray for wisdom for the JAARS board as they evaluate the overall direction of the ministry. Pray for Daryl and Marlene as they move her 96 year-old mother closer to them and for spiritual power and physical energy as they continue serving. Pray that the Lord would bless and establish the work of JAARS to every remote people group, so that all will worship him.

To learn more click here.

Jonathan & Sharon

Jonathan and Sharon ask prayer for the school they have started and will soon be meeting in person after one year. Pray they get many students this year so they can reach out to many families. Pray for Jonathan as he leads the S. Asia team for DAI. They have started doing several online training courses for leaders in the region (Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal). It is an opportunity that has arisen out of this pandemic making it easier to connect with regional neighbors on Zoom. Pray for the Spirits leading as these continue.

To learn more click here.


Leslie works as a team coach for GEM in Germany training new missionaries in assimilation to German culture, which is critical to their development and success on the field. It has been gratifying to see the missionaries working together and learning from each other. Pray for wisdom for GEM leadership to discern when to allow new staff and interns to join the team. Pray that the Lord would strengthen them and help them and uphold them by the power of His righteous right hand.


Dave & Joyce

Dave and Joyce ask prayer for Covid restrictions to lift so Dave can travel to Indonesia. Pray for Yormi, who assists in the translation work to remain healthy and use critical thinking skills as he works on the books of Jeremiah, Hosea, and Zechariah. Pray for more literacy trainers who would teach the Bauzi people to read and write in their language, and for faithful men who would teach others.


Guille & Debbie

Guille and Debbie MacKenzie report that Argentina continues to struggle with economic crisis and uncertainty, pray that the Lord would bring relief. Pray for their plans to launch social programming this year. They desire to be salt and light in the city, pray for their church planting movement, Mision Beta. Pray for the Lord to provide workers, raise up church planters, and go before them preparing the hearts of all who would believe. Pray for the elders, deacons and lay people that are needed.

To learn more click here.