Chris & Debbie

Chris and Debbie ask prayer for the many families of workers who are struggling with their children’s education due to COVID. Pray that the Lord would provide what they need, educationally, spiritually, and emotionally, and guard the health of missionaries and their families. Pray that Chris and Debbie would be great encouragers to missionaries who are stranded due to the virus, for grace as they Zoom and Skype with global workers dealing with critical issues in their lives, and for wisdom with candidate assessment and preparing teams ready to deploy.

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Teaching at African Bible College in Malawi for the past 28 years, Larry Brown, asks prayer for strength to finish the semester well, and for God to go before him as he and son Carey prepare for furlough in Memphis. Carey is graduating in June and asks prayer for God’s direction as he decides on a college in the U.S. Praise God for sparing Larry in the recent accident that destroyed his car, and for providing a new truck. Pray for the Lord’s continued work at ABC, that he would provide strong laborers and leaders for Malawi and Africa.

To learn more click here.

Tezar & Tatiana

Praise that Covenant City Church has experienced growth through their online services. Pray for Tezar and Tatiana as they look for bigger worship and office spaces in preparation for in person worship starting in June. Pray for the Lord to bless and grow their new leadership team and the Indonesian language church plant.

To learn more click here.

Rob & Tunde

Rob and Tunde, church planters at Cornerstone Church in Budapest, ask prayer for the Lord to raise up leaders, more church planters and move among the young people of Hungary. The country is currently suffering from a strong resurgence of COVID, pray for grace and mercy, as they have recently lost 3 friends to the virus. Pray for the medical workers, who are exhausted, especially for one of their members, Kati. Ask the Lord to move powerfully, amidst this suffering, and to encourage and protect Rob and Tunde and their two daughters.

To learn more click here.


John & Dawn

John and Dawn are thankful to be able to help her father while they are in the U.S. awaiting the reopening of their country of service. They ask prayer that they will not give up, not grow tired in doing well, and not accept the status quo. The challenges of this past year have clearly opened doors of ministry as never before! Pray they will be earnest in faithfully leading, gently encouraging, and daily pursuing that to which He called them over 40 years ago. They feel honored that they can continue to serve alongside their beloved colleagues in southeast Asia while in the U.S.

To learn more click here.

Valery & Janna

For over 20 years, Valery and Janna have served with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Russia. They ask prayer for God’s courage and protection from government oppression for their team of 50. Pray for the Lord to bless and establish the work of their hands. Please pray earnestly for their son Kirill who is battling advanced stage lymphoma. Kirill was a frequent worshipper at Second while in Memphis for seminary.

To learn more click here.

The Youngs

The Youngs serve as regional leaders for their sending agency, choosing to live among people least reached by the Gospel. Pray for clear guidance as they sense God leading them to another city. Pray that the Lord will open borders from COVID and provide patience for workers as they wait. Pray for the Lord to provide national church leaders, pastors, and movements among the unreached people of S. Asia. Pray that the Youngs will receive great joy as they serve.

To learn more click here.


How do we handle the “curve balls” that life throws at us? Jamila shares that 811 days have passed as she waits to leave for E. Asia. In the meantime, she has developed a wonderful Zoom relationship with her language tutor. She is also thankful that her team was able to spend a month of bonding and fellowship together in Nashville. Her heart has been humbled and softened to this life that she has been called to; pray that she will remain close to the Lord and rest in His word and peace as she waits.

To learn more click here.

Brian & Joanne

Brian and Joanne praise God that they have seen breakthroughs in restrictions and government pressure and that children can now join in public worship! Thank the Lord for the young convert from Hinduism who has been able to leave an oppressive home to live with church members. Pray that the Lord will heal her from her trauma. Pray for the Lord to prompt members who have not yet returned, for their hearts as they say goodbye to 2 pastoral interns, and for the Lord to supply others in their place.

To learn more click here.

Stephen & Belinda

Stephen left mid-April to spend a month in the Middle East teaching and meeting with Muslim background believers. Pray for his stamina as his schedule is very full and rigorous. Pray for protection and safety in all the meetings, and for the Holy Spirit to arrange evangelistic opportunities. Pray for Belinda at home in the U.S. while he travels.

To learn more click here.