Norm & Ruth Ann

In addition to his work with AWM, Norm is serving with EuroInTent, the two-year training initiative for their workers across Europe. Because digital media is core to AWM’s ministry, the team was able to rapidly change how it worked amidst covid trying a new approach of hosting discipleship groups online using Zoom. As new Arab Christians are often isolated and fearful of persecution, online groups are a fruitful way for such individuals to connect with other believers. Pray for many to be reached with the gospel through these groups.

To learn more click here.


Praise that Jackie is back in Jakarta! She looks forward to leading her Bible studies and attending church within the same time zone. Pray for her readjustment to life in her country of service, and for restrictions to be lifted so that she can resume in person meetings soon. Continue to pray for their church planting team and for the Lord to bless and grow the new Indonesian language church plant.

To learn more click here.