
Despite all classes being online, Josh is grateful he was able to grow close with a few 9th and 10th grade boys as they met weekly to study scripture and discuss life. His church continues to meet only online, and Josh is leading a community group via Zoom with a few others. Pray for the church to remain strong despite not meeting in person. During the summer break, Josh is going on a hiking trip with some close friends from church and school. Pray for Lord to give them rich fellowship as they traverse the second highest volcano in Indonesia.

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Jonathan & Sharon

Jonathan and Sharon ask prayer for India where the COVID pandemic continues to rage. Pray for the Indian Himalayan villages and the country of Nepal which are experiencing a surge. Pray that the Lord would get care to the isolated rural areas. Pray for the Indian church to continue to be unified amidst this disaster, and that they would have boldness to share the good news of salvation through Jesus. Pray for Jonathan and Sharon’s family as they are in the process of adopting a little girl from South India. Pray for grace and mercy as they navigate this process during a lockdown in their country.

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Allison gives praise for the approval of her visa through 2025! Praise God for the salvation of the first college student within the Campus Outreach ministry in Johannesburg! Pray that Juandre would be firmly established in his faith and that he would labor to bring many others to Christ as well. Praise God for his continued grace in Allison’s physical health. Pray that the Lord would go before Allison and her teammates to prepare the hearts of those who would believe, for the name of the Lord to become great in South Africa and that the Lord would provide laborers for the campus and the lost world.

To learn more click here.

Mike & Stephanie

Mike and Stephanie ask prayer for his work in ITEN as he seeks to teach and train pastors and leaders for majority Muslim people groups. Pray for the Lord to raise up leaders in Sudan, and for the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Lebanon. Pray for Mike and Stephanie as they engage in conversations around current social causes with the younger generation. Pray they can listen well, be repentant where they need to be, and hold fast to Jesus and His truth. Pray for their national friends who are serving their churches and seeking the Lord in how to walk out their faith.

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Nicole asks prayer for the Lord to move powerfully through Ramadan. Pray that the Great News of the Gospel would replace the futile fasting that fills this month. Praise God that the Lord has deepened Nicole’s relationships within her English class; pray for the salvation of her students. Ask the Lord to bless the children’s TV programs that she has recorded, and the thousands of kids who will be attending Bible camp and hearing the Gospel. Pray for the Lord to build, inhabit, and bless the new church building in Semarang.

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Faith shares that little Elias is doing well, but still waking up during the night to be fed. Pray for Faith and Seme as they learn to be parents and learn to operate on much less sleep than they are accustomed to getting. Pray for Faith to have wisdom, during their current 39-day lockdown due to an uptick in Covid cases, on how to use time well, and discipling the children (relatives) who live with them. She has Bible study time with one of them each day. Pray for their church, as she and Seme have been working with several members who have recently had to be disciplined.

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Stephen & Belinda

Praise that Stephen & Belinda did not suffer injuries from a car accident in June, and that their car was able to be fixed. Pray for Belinda as she recovers from surgery on June 30th on the C5 & C6 vertebrae in her neck. This was scheduled surgery unrelated to the car accident. Pray for Stephen as he takes care of her and keeps up with the daily tasks at their home during her recovery.

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Nick & Amanda

Nick and Amanda and their kids have been in the U.S to visit family, supporters and attend EPC General Assembly. Pray that the family can experience true rest while in the U.S. Pray for a good, healthy transition with adding new teammates in the fall when they return. Continue to pray for Lebanon as the country continues to be in crisis without an acting government and the Lebanese people have increasingly grown hopeless. Pray for God’s hand to be upon the people so that many will put their trust in Him for their hope and salvation.

To learn more click here.


Welcome new mission partner Teresa who is currently at home in Oklahoma raising her support team to return to her church planting team in Thailand. Teresa came to Christ early in life, and from high school felt a call to missions. She entered the hospitality business but always felt as though something was missing. A trip to Thailand in 2015 to visit a friend exposed her to the need for the gospel in Thailand, and in 2019 Teresa served a 6-month internship with Grace City Bangkok. Pray that the Lord would pour out his Spirit on Grace City Church. Ask the Lord to bless Teresa in her evangelism and discipleship, to multiply the Kingdom of God in Thailand.

Raju & Catherine

Please pray for our partners in India, for grace and mercy as the pandemic continues to ravage the nation. Pray for the staff at Kachhwa Hospital and for Raju and Catherine as they are away. Pray for Dinesh and Shannon providing relief work for COVID affected families. Much of the medical help is coming through telemedicine, so ask the Lord to make that assistance effective. Pray for an end to the pandemic so that the government can lift the lockdown, and that through this suffering the Lord Jesus would make himself known growing his church both in number and in faith.

To learn more click here.